
Reservations Inquiry
Reservations wedding


Name of the person making the reservation / 预订人姓名
Telephone number of the person making the reservation / 申请人电话号码
E-mail address of the person making the reservation / 申请人电子邮箱

If the person making the reservation above is different, please also fill in the following information: name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
/ If the applicant and the guest are not the same, please fill in the following information at the same time.

Name of guest(s)
Cell phone number of guest /来店人手机号码
Will you be accompanied by anyone?
/ 有无随行导游
  • Number of guests
    Children / 儿童

    (12 years and under)

    Desired time of visit/preferred time of visit
    Preferred cuisine
    Please let us know your purpose of use.
    Budget / 预算
    per person / per place JPY
    Preferred dates
  • Period coming to/staying in Japan
    / 造访/停留日本的日期
    Preferred date(s) of stay

    Accommodations staying at before and after preferred date(s) of stay / 预定来店日期前后的住宿地点

    Accommodations staying at beforehand: Name of accommodations facility
    / Last/Today: Name of the place where you live
    Accommodations staying at afterwards: Name of accommodations facility
    / 当天/次日住宿于:Name of the place of residence
    Number of guests
    Children / 儿童

    (12 years and under)

    Desired time of visit/preferred time of visit
    Preferred cuisine
    Please let us know your purpose of use.
    Budget / 预算
    per person / per place JPY
Inquiries / 谈谈内容

(Please fill in details such as food allergies./过敏源. )